Monday, September 10, 2007

Shock and Awe by David Isaak

This blog is not an arm of the Macmillan New Writing publicity machine, and I am under no obligation to plug the books of my stable-mates. Such a ploy would be insultingly transparent, and I would expect my readers to see through it in an instant. I won't, therefore, suggest that you buy David's book, published last Friday. I may regard it as thriller of exceptional sophistication and moral complexity. I may have read it from cover to cover in only two sittings, reluctantly setting it aside only to grab a few hours' sleep. Privately I may remark on the adroitness with which David handles the pacing, the seemingly effortless competence with which he deploys the story's hardware and the assurance with which he rounds off the plot. However, if I were to tell you to rush and out and buy the book before the first edition sells out, you would suspect me of the kind of "you-scratch-my-back" boosterism for which writers are infamous.

So I'll leave it to you, gentle reader, to decide whether to make Shock and Awe your next literary purchase, without the faintest hint or recommendation from me. The link to David's blog, with information on the book's stockists, is therefore provided on a without-prejudice basis. It is entirely your decision whether you dash to your nearest bookshop to pick up a copy of Shock and Awe while you still can, or whether you waste your money on books with greater hype and smaller merit.

I will not try to influence you either way.


David Isaak said...

I promise not to try and influence anyone either.

It is my firm opinion that the only fair course is for everyone residing in the UK to buy a copy (at least one) and decide for themselves.

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