Friday, July 04, 2008


David Isaak said...

Alas, being sundered by a major ocean from the country of pubication, I never had a moment like this.

It look gorgeous. I'm jealous.

Tim Stretton said...

It looks astounding in the shop. 4x4x4=64 copies on display--none of which appeared to be sold during the day.

They're all waiting for the booksigning on the 15th, right...

David Isaak said...

With the posters and well-ordered stacks of books, it does rather look as if someone might come over and slap your hand if you picked up one of the books before the event. It looks sort of like a birthday party before anyone has taken a slice out of the cake.

Alis said...

Now that's what I call a book-display!!! It looks fab Tim - have you spent ages loitering nearby to see whether people pick it up and listening to what they say, or was that just me?!!

David Isaak said...

So, when you guys loiter near your displays, do you wear disguises so you fon;t look like the person on the poster and the back falp of the jacket?

Do you at least wea sunglasses and turn up your collars?

Tim Stretton said...

Alis, I have to say I don't lurk, for the very reason that David identifies. The large author picture makes it all too obvious!

Neil said...

congrats, tim. hoping to pick up a copy in london tomorrow.

Alis said...

Though I'd love the thought of standing there in dark glasses and a beard, all I need to to is wear the glasses with which I have a love-hate relationship (love because they do allow me to see things in a less than impressionistic haze, hate because I feel shut in behind them and actually quite like blur), wear a colour other than blue (as in my publicity photo) and I immediately look nothing like the picture. In fact, when I was doing a signing in a bookshop, I was standing near a table with my features at almost life-size and people still asked me where books were rather than spotting that I was the author of the piled-up books!!

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