Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer hols...

Readers of ::Acquired Taste will readily come to the conclusion that the writer's life comprises periods of indolent dilettantism interspersed with holidays. The news that tomorrow I am off to Turkey for a fortnight, having achieved nothing meaningful on The Last Free City since May, is unlikely to overset that opinion.

Holidays are in fact an important time for writers, particularly when they aren't sightseeing-type ones. It's rare to get a couple of weeks when neither work nor the everyday business of running a home intrude--much very important thinking on The Dog of the North was done lying by a Spanish poolside three years ago. So it's not a holiday, it's work by another name. (Do you believe that? Didn't think so...)

For those of you maladjusted enough to find a fortnight without my observations disturbing, this month's Sci-Fi Now magazine has a short interview with me in which I outline some thoughts on The Dog of the North and the writing process.

::Acquired Taste will return in early September.


Alis said...

I agree with you - some of my best writing is done when I'm nowhere near the wip, holidays and time off in general can be great for acheiving some distance and letting your mind slot things in where they should go rather than where you've put them!
Have a great break, Tim.

David Isaak said...

What is this Turkey thing? You're in Turkey, Len Tyler's off to Turkey. Is the whole of the British Empire taking holidays in Turkey now? Is the pound especially strong against the New Turkish Lira?

Sorry. Sorry. But why not come to the US? The dollar is crap against the pound, and there's plenty of empty space in, say, Wyoming. And we have wild turkeys, even here in California, which is more than they have in Turkey.

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