Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hey, an award!

This one comes from Alis Hawkins, fellow Macmillan New Writer and author of the excellent Testament (now out in paperback).

This is the award:

Leaving aside the curious grammar of the award citation, it's always good to be appreciated. We don't do this for the money (what money?) so the only external validation we get is the approval of our readers and peers - so thanks, Alis!

The award is also a meme, the rules of which are thus:

Here are the rules of the meme:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Award up to ten other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your awardees on their blogs.

1 and 2 are already done and dusted. 3 is more difficult as Alis has already stolen a couple of my favourites, but here are some other sites I keep an eye on and are always worth a read. Click on the author's name to go to the blog.

Faye L. Booth
Another MNWer, Faye is never afraid to give it both barrels. Her fiction is as recommended as her blog.

Jane Smith - How Publishing Really Works
Jane's blog is full of down-to-earth advice on the ins and outs of the publishing industry. Not for the dilettante or the easily discouraged, but if you're serious about finding a commercial publisher for your work, mandatory reading.

Sam Hayes

Another blog from a practising novelist, with some detailed and practical reflections on the craft of writing.

Matt Curran
Matt, formerly of Macmillan New Writing, now flourishing in the mainstream, keeps a blog where he writes about his works in progress--particularly interesting in addressing how to balance writing, real life and the need to earn a living.

Emma Darwin
Another novelist's blog--do you see the pattern yet?--Emma's is recommended for the critical insight she brings to bear on the craft of writing. She critiques manuscripts to a professional standard and this forensic intelligence runs through the reflections on her blog.

Still here? What are you waiting for?


Jane Smith said...

Tim, thank you so much for your kind words about my blog--I am very grateful. I won't continue the chain on my blog as that wouldn't fit in with the pompous-but-worthy nature of the place--but that doesn't mean that I'm not pleased. I am. Thrilled, in fact.

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